Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Missionaries at the MTC

A dear friend & sister, Salamasina Ioane-Sione, went to the MTC yesterday to drop off her nephew, Elder Lee, who is headed to Kennewick, Washington.  Sala was in the passenger's seat when they rounded the corner at the MTC, and she noticed Elder Heimuli right there at Stop 1.  "No jacket, just there in his white shirt, so he stood out.  Of course, he's tall, too, and he had a scarf wrapped around his neck.  So debonair!" 

Sala's window was locked, but she was waving like a maniac.  She said Helam smiled and waved back, but she didn't think he even recognized her.  Then he was gone...and she was pulling up to the curb at Stop 5.  Suddenly, Elder Heimuli's face was at her window!  He had followed their car, so Sala jumped out, ready to give him a big hug.  Elder H must've been thinking ahead because -- just as quickly -- he stuck out his long arm for a hearty handshake!  (Does he know us Polynesian women, or what?)  The two elders were introduced, Elder Lee was whisked away, and Elder Heimuli told Sala, "Well, I've gotta go do some missionary stuff.  Tell my mom I'm doing great!"

And it sure looks that way.  Thank you, Sala, for making this mom's day!

1 comment:

  1. He also got to take in Elder Leishman and Elder Johnson! :)
