This week has been really great and full of so many wonderful experiences! I guess I'll just start from the beginning...
Monday we went over to Ramon's house and cut down a tree that fell on his house the week before (it didn't damage anything, thankfully). The only thing we had as a twelve inch saw...but it worked haha. Ramon came home right as we were finishing and was so grateful.
Me & Elder Anderson, a tiny saw, and a huge tree!
Last P-Day we had Elder Gay from the seventy come and speak to us, like I told you last week. Elder Anderson and I decided to put into practice some things that we learned. Wednesday we had a "transfer plan re-evaluation" where we decided to review our transfer baptism plan and re work it to make it more effective. We prayed for inspiration and decided to just focus on a specific trailer park where quite a few of members live. We also picked some potential to focus on as well. Every night this week we worked in that area for 3 hours.
Juan and Emily finally got a court date to finalize everything on the 30th of I probably won't be in the area anymore haha but I'm super happy! Juan joked to us that he wants to do the court on the 30th, get married on the 1st and get baptized on the 2nd ha! What a cool guy!
The CTR6A class sent me a letter and some oreos! That was really nice! (I didn't recognize any of the names many little kids in your ward!!) I am going to send them a reply back soon!
Saturday we fasted for our area. We worked hard all that day and night. Then Sunday came...and we had 4 investigators to church!!! They were these 3 stud 12 year olds and one 7 year old hahah! We talked to them in the trailer park the night before and they all wanted to come to church! The oldest one's (Juan) mom is actually a less active member and his older brother is baptized too. The kids said they all loved church and want to come next week, along with Juan's mom, brother and 4 other youth from the park. It's a small miracle but it had such a huge impact on me. Fasting really works! The 3 kids want to take the lessons and hopefully get baptized. We just need to keep working hard!
I sent Houston a b-day card! Hopefully you get it soon cuz we're pretty proud of it. Hope he has a good one!
Me and Quinonez with the B-day card I sent Houston. (Tell him to press the "P.S." button when he gets it. It's legit.)
The BoM is amazing and it's crazy that I've almost finished it AGAIN! I learn so much everyday it's hard to really keep up! I'd like to share how I know the BoM is Helaman 12:15. It talks of how the earth revolves around the sun. IT'S TRUE I TELL YOU! THE BOOK OF MORMON IS TRUE!!!! Hahaha but for reals, it is:)
I don't hear from Elder Hamilton much at all. I hope he's doing well. I'm glad Elder Johnson is being a stud haha! I knew he would:)
Well, I'm gonna go now! I still need to download and send some pictures to you!
Love you all! Pray for you all too, duh!
Love Elder Heimuli
More Pics:
The newest rap music sensation, The Marietta Mormons (Me, Elder Anderson, Elder Quinonez and Elder Henderson)
Utah doesn't have cool KFCs like Georgia! That is one big chicken.
Wow, even the little chickens in Georgia are cool...
Missionaries carry such wonderful messages, like "The Church is True," "Jesus Loves You," and this one...
"Spay and Neuter Your Pet"
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