So I have another transfer here but I got a new companion, Elder Stockman. Shumway got transferred somewhere with Elder Haight, my MTC comp. It was a surprise cuz we were POSITIVE we were gonna stay together another transfer, but God has other plans haha.
It's good though, Elder Stockman is cool. He is a super good missionary and I'm trying to learn a lot from him. He came out with Elder Shumway so they have the same amount of time. Stockman is from Sandy, UT and went to Brighton High School. There are SO MANY Utahns here! This past transfer we had about 8 or so new missionaries and all of them were from Utah, except one who was from Idaho...close.
The transfer so far has been pretty ok. We are back down to one solid investigator (the others just disappeared) and we had to push his date back so hopefully we can still pull it through. One crazy thing was that last transfer we barely had any food, and only a few dinner appointments a week. So far, in the first week, I think we've had a dinner appointment every day and there were two or three days where we had two dinners in a span of two hours--oh man, I thought I was gonna die! Hispanics are like Polys: you eat EVERYTHING on your plate, and then get seconds. You have no choice.
This week was just full of planning for the transfer and trying to teach whomever will let us. Stockman and I are speaking Spanish the WHOLE TIME and it's great! I'm learning a lot faster this way. Thus far, we've spoken more spanish to each other than english. The week has just been full of me learning and improving and I have a feeling that's how it's gonna be for the whole transfer. I'm super excited.
Church was good. We didn't have any investigators or less actives come but it was still good. I forgot that it was fast sunday cuz of conference! How lame am I? So yeah, I'll definately be fasting extra...soon!
I'm super excited for General Conference and it's crazy that it's here already! I remember last conference I was just a greenie! I don't really need any activity things for conference seeing as we have no investigators, but when we get some, I'll be sure to make a maze or somehthing for them to do hahaha!
This week we've taught a lot about profets and how they are God's messengers. They are here to guide us and to warn us. Theirs words can comfort us, heal us, help us, and may other things that I don't even know. The only way to know is to experience it yourself. One cool thing I've been doing during conference (since Thomas told me to do this last year or so) is I write down questions I have or things I need answered in my life, and pray for guidance and council. It's amazing that every time I've done this, and paid attention during conference, every one of my questions have been answered by the talks given. They really are the words of God and He is there to help us in our lives if we just seek him and heed those answers.
The weather here is still pretty hot but it's been cooling down. Maybe not cool enough to break out the sweaters but maybe in a month or so. It's crazy how fast time flies by...and how slow it seems to limp past as's all a matter of perspective. My perspective is that I'm here to help others, and in the process learn a whole bunch of stuff myself. There's never enough time to learn everything.
Thank you guys for all that you do and tell everyone that I love them. I will talk to you all later!
--Elder Heimuli
PICS! A few weeks ago, Elder H mentioned seeing his uncle in a missionary article in a church magazine. Today he scanned and sent it.
At Coke World with Comp #5 Elder Shumway who was transferred last week.
Having smores on Elder Shumway's last night as Elder Heimuli's comp.
District photo at the Atlanta Temple.
Elder Heimuli enjoying a cold one with the founder of Coca-Cola (disclaimer: neither the drink nor the founder seated at the table are real).