Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Almost Mother's Day (BIG smile!)

Buenos tardes!

As you know, this Sunday is Mother's Day and you guys have the special priviledge of hearing my beautiful voice IN PERSON! You guys are so blessed:) Hahaha jk. Anyways, so I WILL CALL you guys but you will have to tell me what time is best for y'all. Sundays I have to go to the church at 9am for meetings and I just stay there all the way until church ends at 2:30pm.

So, for Utah time that means I go from 6am until 11:30am. (Note from Mom: Actually, that's 12:30pm Utah time...only 30 minutes before our church meetings start...short conversation!)

I know you guys have church and all that good stuff at 1 right? I can call in between when I finish church and you guys start? Utah time: 11:30--1:00 (Another note from Mom: That's not right...oh well)

Just let me know what would be good with y'all, yeah?

Love you all!

--Elder Heimuli

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